+44 (0) 7716 497376 info@gsc.net

Note- GSC AGM 2024 to be held at London, UK on 18, 19 and 20 october.


Voice of Sikhs Worldwide

GSC is an international body with a membership of national Sikh organisations from around the world. Its key task is to provide an international platform to consolidate the national voices into one single unified global voice. To serve in earnest the international Sikh population without any interference in the internal affairs of its membership organisations


The Global Sikh Council (GSC) was formed in 2014 as a result of concerns felt by Diaspora Sikhs over the mushrooming of various deras run by sants and babas,
who mislead general Sikh population to follow distorted versions of Our Guru’s teachings. GSC is a worldwide Sikh organisation with membership of national level Sikh organisations from around the world. It’s representatives are selected by the member organisations to form the General Body of the Global Sikh Council.

‘One Granth One Panth’ call
from Global Sikh Council


To share the philosophy and vision of universality of humanity of the founder of Sikh Faith Guru Nanak Sahib with the world and fulfil his mission for which he travelled for 20 years of his life to nine countries, to have dialogs with the leaders of other faiths to have a world where people of different faiths could live together in peace and harmony.

More importantly to educate the Sikh Nation and nurture the Sikh Youth ( the leaders of tomorrow) to understand their faith, rich history, heritage and live their life based on truth, Justice, equality and Religious Pluralism as enshrined in the Guru Granth sahib


Sharing Guru Nanak’s philosophy of universality of all humanity, promoting equality and diversity in the countries around the globe, with particular reference to religious freedom and tolerance for all. Promoting knowledge and mutual understanding and respect of the beliefs and practices of other religions to have global society living religious pluralism.


Dr Kan­waljit Kaur

President – Global Sikh Council
Global Sikh Council is a charitable organization and its objects are to advance the Sikh religion for the community benefit worldwide in accordance to the teachings of the Sikh scripture, Sri Guru Granth Sahib and the 1945 Sikh Rehat Maryada. GSC aims to provide a global forum to promote wider understanding of the teachings and promote the very unifying final order of Guru Gobind Singh, ‘ Sabh Sikhan Ko Hukam Hai, Guru Manio Granth’ . GSC believes that Guru Granth Sahib is the only Guru of the Sikhs and strictly no other scriptures should be placed parallel to the Guru Granth Sahib in any gurdwaras or any Sikh events wherever or whenever these might happen in any part of the world. The Global Sikh Council also believes that the Sikh Rehat Maryada published in 1945 by the Shiromani Gurdwara Parbandhak Committee is the code of conduct to be followed by Sikhs in their daily life. GSC promotes the general guidance contained in the Rehat Maryada.
GSC aims to educate the Sikh youth to understand their faith, rich history, and heritage and live their faith based on the teachings of the Guru Granth Sahib that promotes equality for all including full equality of women with men.
GSC also aims to act in an advisory capacity to help settle disputes involving Sikh Gurdwaras and member Sikh organisations with the consent of the organisations concerned.

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